Toastie Republic Programming Peon

Ian @Wurmy

Age 33, Male


Houston, TX

Joined on 6/20/06

Exp Points:
8,310 / 8,700
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Wurmy's News

Posted by Wurmy - February 11th, 2014

Greetings denizens!

My pal and I have worked long and hard on our entry for the Candy Jam, and it has finally arrived!

You can play it over here: http://toastierepublic.itch.io/saga-of-kingkersnuffle





We used music from several Newgrounds users. You can listen to them here:

Jungle Vibes by Matt-Porter

Trumpet's Tune by westtig

The Kings Request by smokeshow

Infiltration by ParagonX9

Lofty Town by wandschrank

Pete_town song by btriangle

Posted by Wurmy - January 18th, 2014

Hello Newgrounds!

My, it sure has been a while since the last update. I figured I should check in and let our devoted fan(s) know that we're still alive at the Toastie Republic!

Last time I posted, I posted some WIP animations. Here are the same animations, but with some proper Mainbot-parts (also WIP):

Run, Mainbot, Run!

Charge, Mainbot, Charge!

Mainbot wished to be a ballet dancer at once point.

You can compare these to last time's post here.

This last couple of weeks has been relatively slow. At least it sure feels that way. We've been hunkering down and concepting enough sprites, animations, tiles and backgrounds for a lifetime (I wish).

You can check out more exciting things related to Engauge at this weeks /r/gamedev SSS, our website, twitter and blog.

Until next time Newgrounds!

PS: I really love the blog post editor. Whoever made this, you're most likely a swell guy or gal!

Posted by Wurmy - December 19th, 2013

Greetings people!

Today I share with you some of the animations I have mocked up over the past two weeks. We arrived at the conclusion that our old main-bot is long past his expiration date and simply didn't live up to the grandiose gameplay we have in store.

Without further ado, have some animations! Criticism and commentary welcome.

Look at him go!


This is making me dizzy.

You can check out some other animations over here as well.

For more info you can check out our website, blog and twitter. Until next time!

Posted by Wurmy - December 11th, 2013

Greetings peons!

This week, I worked on some in-game features, a website and a new running animation!

I believe last week I mentioned some kind of actual gameplay, so here's some enemy interaction (a fairly big aspect of our game). While obviously not 100% finished, the concept is mostly implemented. Hellies will look for friendly Rollies to bombard the player with. Coupled with rollies being fast player-seeking explosives, this makes for quite the threat.

Go get'em champ.

You don't see it here, but that rollie is a heading straight for the player. That poor sap.

You can also visit our handy-dandy website here, from which you can also visit our blog and twitter. I think it turned out quite well, I'm a fan of really simple and easy to nagivate designs.

While I can't say this is the best animation, I do think it is an improvement over the old one, if only because it feels so interesting.

Look at him go!

And now, back to programming interesting things. Until next time!

Posted by Wurmy - December 3rd, 2013

Greetings Newgrounds!

I'm here to announce that rails are mostly complete! While not entierely feature complete, they sure do look nice now. We even added some particle effects to spruce things up. Nothing says fast like flying sparks!

Surfs up!

In addition our grand artist has been hard at work. I have to say, he is doing a magnificent job. I really like how our current tileset is turning out. Although I can't show you his current background iteration just yet, I can show you mine in glorious placeholder fashion!

They'll never find me here.

That's all for this week folks. As usual, you can follow us on our blog and twitter. Next week we should have some very nice updates with legitimate gameplay. The best kind, I hear!

Posted by Wurmy - November 22nd, 2013

Greetings, Newground-onians!

This week I was sick 4/5 days, but last week we made some great progress! I had started working on ride-able rails. While they're still not 100% finished, they work well enough for the time being for me to move back to AI, which do not work well enough for the time being.Sadly, I would have finished them this week had it not been for the sickness. I feel better now though, and hopefully I'll be able to get the ball rolling.

Our dear artist also worked on a tileset some more. Here's a sketch showing off how we plan to fill up ground-space. It's all in the details!

As always, you can follow us on twitterand our blogfor more fantastic information. Until next time!

Engauge's Radical Vacation

Posted by Wurmy - October 31st, 2013

Hello once again Newgrounds!

For the past couple of weeks, my pal and I worked a lot on the art side of Engauge. We both realize that our previous tileset was pretty poor. Even though we could technically create interesting to play levels, they were all ugly and same-y. You can read up on all of our endeavorsover here.

Rather than writing this post I'd rather be programming doors and triggers, and I will do just that. Goodbye Newgrounds, and until next week! You can always follow our meager progress at our blogand twitter.

Here's a picture that makes our old tileset look gross and crummy.

Engauge Trials

Posted by Wurmy - October 22nd, 2013

Nooo! Not the hellies! Please don't make me fight the hellies!

This week, i worked on more enemies. I finished up the hellies (mechanically), and they are a very (mechanically) fierce enemy when working in groups. They tend to swarm the player and kite, just enough, to be out of reach. They will become a much more interesting enemy to face once we implement a certain very important feature for our proud hero, Main-bot.

I also started working on a different enemy, and lots of other misc changes. You can read all about none of them (and about a lot of other stuff related to Engauge) at our blogand twitter. Until next time!

Incidentally, here's a gifof me fighting some hellies. It's a lot more exciting in motion.

Engauge Sadness

Posted by Wurmy - October 11th, 2013

Yesterday, as part of my enemy AI overhaul, I made explosives. While explosives are almost completely unrelated to enemy AI, it was very fun to add this in. In particular, I find that the most fun part of game development so far, is adding things in that I don't know if we'll ever use, which is a horrible idea and generally a waste of time. But fun!

Here's some exploding boxes that bounce around.

You can keep up with us by following our blog and twitter.

Engauge Explosives!

Posted by Wurmy - October 2nd, 2013

Greetings Newgrounds!

I have come back to you for a fourth dose of shameless advertising!
My, the times sure do fly, don't they? Just four weeks ago we had rinky dinky enemies running around that could barely tie a shoe. Now we have a handy-dandy console capable of powerful commands in addition to rinky dinky enemies!

Although, to be fair, the enemies are getting quite the upgrade. Just 1 week ago, the puncher punched his first punchable target (the player)! Not only that, he stun-locked me and killed me with no remorse. A most fitting ability for the puncher!

In other news I have yet to finish a large code revision and the level editor is still broken. But that is ok friends, because one day you will get to play Engauge. And one day you too will be Engauged in Engauge! My puns are atrocious and I feel bad already.

Until next time (week) Newgrounds!

PS: You can follow our progress on our blog and twitter!

Engauge Puns!