Greetings Newgrounds.
I have completed another Flash game (yet to be released). As such, I have a proposal for you (where "you" includes any and all artists/animators on Newgrounds).
I want to make a Flash game but I greatly dislike the art/animation aspect required to make a great game. That is where you come in.
So, if you:
+ Have an idea for a Flash game (nothing too big)
+ Are able to use Flash (it would be nice if it is compatible with Flash CS3)
+ Or, are able to create sexy pixel art with any other program
+ Are looking for a programmer
Then feel free to shoot me a PM (or e-mail at
Some guidelines to follow:
+ I like interesting and fresh ideas. I don't really care to make another generic zombie shooter, or another fancy snake clone.
+ Ideas come before experience.
+ However, I require some experience. Show me an animation or a game you have made/took part in.
+ I do not guarantee that I will pick your idea (and you).
+ If you worry that I will steal your idea, don't. I have plenty of my own. Or simply don't PM me.
+ Keep the idea relatively small (1-month game), I'm not up for programming an entire Flash MMO.
Any money made will (probably) be split 50/40/10 (where 10% goes to the music artist).
TLDR: LF artist with an idea for a flash game.
Be ready for criticism. If I think you are capable of improving your art or animation I will give you constructive criticism. It probably won't be nice, but it will be constructive.
Some random RPG i was working on... not sure if its something i want to continue with.
I can't really say much to "random RPG", especially if you're not sure if you want to continue with it.